Cool Domain Names: How Much Cool Is Too Much
Your first question should be: so exactly what?
While that question may damper your friend's excitement and potentially hurt your friendship, you would not be considered a friend if you didn't ask that question. Cool ideas need substance along with a cool domain name all by itself doesn't imply much. While a domain name might be "cool", consider you have to accomplish one of two tasks in order for your domain to create value.
First, is it a website name other would want? Is there a market for this? If the answer is no, then you have to develop the site (which is task quantity two). If the answer is yes, your friend may have truly been onto something.
Even cool domains need to meet some criteria of quality:
- length doesn't exceed 21 characters
- up to four meaningful phrases in contextt
- no hyphens
- no numbers
- uses universal term
Second, ideas for cool domain names are related to an idea for website content. This content might be informational, a game, a service or an software. The bottom line is substance. All domains, whether you need to label them as cool names or lame titles, are greatly increased in value when their is substantive content related to them.
The next question after asking, so exactly what? is to ask whether you are willing to do what must be done to make your cool idea succeed?
It is all well and good to join up that cool domain, but it will take bravery, patience and skill to make it work.
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