Domain Name Pointing Basics for Small Business
When you're having trouble accessing your new website, don't phone tech support yet. It may be a easy domain pointing problem. After registering your cool domain name, the next step you must make is to make certain that you point your domain name to the nameservers of the host. The nameserver is usually denoted by and - the NS part is simply the acronym for NameServer.
Once you successfully bought a webhosting account, your webhosting provider will often send you an email containing all the information regarding your account - they will also range from the NameServers to which you must point your website name to.
What if I forgot to point the domain towards the nameserver, what will happen?
In case you got too excited and forgot to point your website name, the worst thing that could happen is that your website won't be found. A business website that cannot be discovered... hmm.. That's money going down the drain.
Should you forgot to point your domain, your email address for the reason that domain e. g. won't work because, well, they can't be found.
You do not have to worry however, pointing your domain to your host's nameservers is simple. You simply logon to your domain account and select the modify domain command and substitute it with values that the host has given you... then wait 2 times max (domain propagation)
There you contain it, keep your cool if you cannot access or find your website, you may have just gotten too excited and forgot to point your domain for your hosts nameservers.